Manual for Vorkuta fieldwork activities

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Учебное пособие
КДУ, Добросвет
Правообладатель (©): 
КДУ, Авторы
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Стационарная ссылка:

Manual for Vorkuta fieldwork activities : [electronic edition] / V.S. Isaev,P.I. Kotov, V.Z. Khilimonjuk, et al; general ed. by P.I. Kotov, G.I. Gordeeva. – М.: «КDU», «Dobrosvet», 2022. – 191 p. – URL: – doi: 10.31453/

ISBN 978-5-7913-1225-9

The manual gives a brief outline of the geological and geocryological conditions of the Vorkuta industrial area, describes the field methods of geocryological research, and summarizes the experience of infrastructure construction and usage.
This manual is intended for master’s and PhD students studying in the field of “Geology”, specializing in hydrogeology, geocryology, engineering geology, as well as in courses of engineering-geocryological research in geological, exploration, mining, transport, engineering, construction and hydraulic engineering schools. The manual can be used by specialists of design, survey and production organizations working in the Vorkuta region.

A. I. Tyurin, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Geology, Geocryology Department
V. I. Grebenets, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Geography, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology

V.S. Isaev, P.I. Kotov, V.Z. Hilimonjuk, E.N. Ospennikov, A.V. Koshurnikov, O.M. Lisitsyna, D.O. Sergeev, S.N. Buldovich, G.I. Gordeeva, E.P. Scibilia, A.V. Pogorelov, A.P. Bezdelova, M.M. Bolotiuk, O.V. Levochkina, E.S. Maximenko

Формат ссылки: Manual for Vorkuta fieldwork activities : [electronic edition] / V.S. Isaev,P.I. Kotov, V.Z. Khilimonjuk, et al; general ed. by P.I. Kotov, G.I. Gordeeva. – М.: «КDU», «Dobrosvet», 2022. – 191 p. – URL: – doi: 10.31453/