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О проекте
Book on lime
Дистанционное образование
Публикация монографий и учебных пособий
Видео помощник
Basic English Grammar with Exercises
США: Страна и люди / Panorama of the USA
Сборник упражнений по английской фразеологии
Сборник упражнений по английской фразеологии
Поиск в разделах
Exercise 1. Complete each of these idioms with an animal from the box
Exercise 2. Complete each of these idioms with a colour from the box
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition
Exercise 4. Collocations. Choose the correct adjective to complete these sentences
Exercise 5. Match the food idioms on the left with their explanations of the right and fill in the gaps in the sentences with the proper expression
Exercise 6. Choose the correct explanation for the food idioms in bold. Write a, b or c
Exercise 7. Match the phraseological units to describe people on the left with the explanations on the right
Exercise 8. Match the following expressions of time and frequency on the left with the meaning on the right
Exercise 9. Match the following location expressions on the left with the meaning on the right
Exercise 10. Comparisons: as (+ adj.) as (+ noun). Fill in the missing words
Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences by putting a single word in each space
Exercise 12. Read the sentences below and find the errors in the idioms in bold. Write them correctly
Exercise 13. There are many phraseological units that contain proper names
Exercise 14. Can you complete these jokes? Each answer depends on a common English idiom. Do you understand each one?
Exercise 15. Insert the correct form of the word in brackets in the sentences below
Exercise 16. Circle the correct word to complete each sentence
Exercise 17. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions
Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions
Exercise 19. Complete each of these idioms with a number
Exercise 20. Supply the missing articles in the expressions where necessary (the, a, an) or put in a dash (-)
Exercise 21. Use a dictionary to find the missing words in these phraseological units if you do not know them
Exercise 22. Replace the words in italics in the sentences below with a suitable idiomatic expression
Exercise 23. Can you think of the situation where you might ask the following questions?
Exercise 24. Find the possible synonymic idioms to the following expressions
Exercise 25. What is the opposite of the following?
Exercise 26. Replace the words in italics in the sentences below with a suitable idiomatic expression.
Exercise 27. Give Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with the following expressions
Exercise 28. Give English equivalents and make up your own sentences with the following expressions