Exercise 4. Collocations. Choose the correct adjective to complete these sentences

Чтобы выполнить задание нужно авторизоваться и тогда появятся кнопки "Сохранить" и "Завершить задание".

1. Unfortunately, the city’s new fitness club, recently completed at a cost of twenty thousand pounds, proved to be a grey / white / black elephant.

2. I say, she is a bit of a dark / black / quiet horse. I didn’t even know she had written a novel!

3. — Believe me or not, it is rather unpleasant to get along with him — he never shows his emotions and is so unfriendly!

— A real cold sheep / fish / wolf !

4. Michael never seems to want to go out with other people. He is a bit of a lone person / lion / wolf , you know!

5. She was a real party animal / goer / person at college. I can hardly remember her staying in the evenings.

6. I have no doubt she belongs to the highest social class, her great-grandmother was a Dutch princess. It goes without saying; there is blue / white / gold blood in her family.

7. Since 1950s teenage views of life and parent’s opinions have been in conflict. Dissimilarity stuck between the opinions and views of young people and their parents can be termed as a generation incomprehension / problem / gap .

8. Margaret felt / sensed / smelled a rat when she phoned her husband at the office where he was supposed to be working late and he was not there.

9. Bob is a real culture / music / pop vulture. He buys a lot of folk CDs.

10. Every family has a mystery/skeleton/secret in the cupboard.


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