Watch the video Rethinking development aid, answer the questions:
Vocabulary notes:
OECD – Organization Of Economic Cooperation and Development
ODA – Official Development Assistance
Remittances – денежные переводы (здесь: отправляемые иностранными рабочими домой)
1. How has the geography of poverty changed over half a century?
2. What has happened to Brazil, China and South Korea?
3. How much aid do traditional donors provide as ODA?
4. What are new forms of aid? What is their volume?
5. What are the numbers referring to private development flows?
6. How are poorer countries funding their development priorities?
7. What is another important source of funds?
8. What countries are still dependent on aid?
9. What are the flaws of current ODA criteria of aid?
10. What are the tasks that OECD has set for itself?