XI. Watch the video “CNBC – Aid to Africa Doing More Harm than Good”. Answer the questions

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Watch the video "CNBC – Aid to Africa doing more harm than good".
Answer the questions

Vocabulary notes

Prerequisite – предпосылка

Disenfranchise – лишать гражданских (особ. избирательных) прав

To issue bonds – выпускать государственные облигации

Red herring – отвлекающий маневр (сильно пахнущая копченая селедка использовалась, чтобы сбивать охотничьих собак со следа)


1. What is one of the items on President’s Obama agenda? What are the questions that arise here?

2. Who is Dambisa Moyo? What is her controversial book about?

3. What is Moyo’s evidence in favour of her idea?

4. What does she think of democracy as a prerequisite for economic growth?

5. What hasn’t the aid model delivered?

6. What are her prescriptions?

7. What countries do not accept foreign aid? (caption on the screen)

8. What is the share of foreign aid in Ethiopia’s budget? (caption on the screen)


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