1. Which definition does Mr. GHOLAMALI KHOSHROO give to the address of Israel’s Prime Minister to the US Congress? Why does he employ such a tough rhetoric commenting on Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech?
2. When was the practice of accusing Iran of enhancing its nuclear capabilities launched? How has hysteria spinned up?
3. Which evidence has been provided by the Mossad and the International Atomic Energy Agency?
4. Why did the former head of the agency decline the report on Iran’s military dimensions?
5. Which errors has Iran pointed out to in the final copy of the document?
6. Which practice of the agency’s forgery does the ambassador appeal to?
7. What are the true reasons underlying Netanyahu’s false alarmism?
8. Which political situation under the current circumstances does the ambassador admit paradoxical?
9. How can Iran’s nuclear energy program contribute to settling the disputes in the Middle East?
10. Why does the ambassador highlight the involvement of Israel in boosting extremist recruitment?