Lesson 19. Strategic Branding and Partnering

Lesson 19. Task 4. See a video footage on one of the recent business partnering projects

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Emily Chang from “Bloomberg West” discusses with Genius co-founder & CEO Tom Lehman and Spotify vice president of consumer product Shiva Ramarajan why Spotify and Genius are teaming up.

Bloomberg Business

What Users Will Gain From Spotify-Genius Partnership



1. What will the users gain from the partnership of Spotify and Genius?

2. How do people use phones when they listen to music? Are they looking at the phones when Spotify is on?

3. Is Spotify trying to create a viewing experience?

4. What is the further potential of the deal?

5. Is one of them becoming part of the other?

6. What kind of integration is there between the White House and genius?

7. Which techniques and technologies is Genius planning to apply to real politics?


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