Вариант 6

Текстовая связность

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You are going to read a film review.

First, read the text and fill in the blanks (A-E) with the words (F-K) from the list. One word is extra.

Then, read the text again and fill in the blanks (1-5) with the sentences (6-11) from the list. One sentence is extra.

(1) . Lord Voldemort has got a A of the Elder Wand, one of the powerful Deathly Hallows, and Harry, Hermione and Ron are in a worse bind than ever.

(2) . After a breathtaking break-in at Gringotts, the wizarding bank, they eventually return to Hogwarts. (3) .

Throughout the Harry Potter saga, Harry has developed from a young, naive boy, who was introduced to the world of magic, to a grown man who has to B the burden of leading the fight against the Lord of Darkness. (4) . What started as cheerful, adventurous and fun stories, evolved into a fictional universe that became increasingly gloomy and more dramatic as Voldemort C his former power. In this final film, everything that has happened before – the knowledge Harry has D , the close friends he has got, his courage, personality, magical skills and his will to sacrifice – all this has prepared Harry, and made him and his friends capable of meeting Voldemort as worthy and strong opponents.

The E construction of the story and its characters make the saga of Harry Potter into an impressive work of art. The final film matches the sky-high expectations set by the books, and there’s nothing to do but praise the filmmakers. (5) . A more engaging, exciting and intense finale will be very hard to find. As well as this, the story offers some surprises that will surely attract attention.

F acquired


G calculated


H carry


I hand


J hold


K regained


6. During the previous seven films, this development has been mirrored by the adventures Harry has experienced.

7. Harry and his friends have to continue the mission they have sworn to complete.

8. In terms of cinematography – the special effects, set pieces and battle scenes – the film is magnificent.

9. The Harry Potter saga reaches its conclusion in a thrilling finale that will spellbind children and adults alike.

10. The special effects, however, border on the amateurish.

11. There Lord Voldemort, the Death Eaters and an army of trolls, spiders and other scary creatures are ready for the crucial and unbearably thrilling final battle.


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