Lesson 49. ASEAN & BRICS

Task 4. A. Read the article “The BRICS try to reshape the world” and match the words to their contextual meanings

Чтобы выполнить задание нужно авторизоваться и тогда появятся кнопки "Сохранить" и "Завершить задание".

1) to team up

a) to praise something because you want other people to think they are good or important

2) to hammer out

b) a group of five members

3) to tout

c) to prevent something from happening by saying or doing something before it can happen

4) beholden

d) to work together with someone to achieve a particular aim

5) five-some

e) help in the form of ideas, advice, or information, used in making a decision

6) to address

f) to reach a decision or agreement after arguing about it for a long time

7) rampant

g) feeling an obligation to do something for someone who has helped you in the past

8) to forestall

h) to praise someone or something

9) to complement

i) to deal with a problem or question by thinking carefully about it, or by doing things to improve a situation

10) input

j) existing, happening, or spreading in an uncontrolled way

11) to laud

k) to add another thing to something


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