Each word is used only once. You may need to change the word (lexically and/or grammatically) in order for it to fit the context. There are 2 extra words in the box. Transfer your answers into the answer sheet (21–30).
When It Comes to Success, Age Really Is Just a Number
By BENEDICT CAREY NOV. 3, 2016, The New York Times
THE question hangs over the career of every ambitious man: Is there still time to make a mark?
Charles Darwin was 29 when he came up with his theory of 21 selection. Einstein had his annus mirabilis at age 26; Marie Curie made big discoveries about radiation in her late 20s. Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 in E flat: 8 years old.
For years, scientists who study achievement 22 that in many fields the most electrifying work comes earlier in life rather than later. After all, younger people can devote their life to a project in a way that more senior people cannot, and young stars attract support and mentors.
Now, a big-data analysis of 23 careers appearing in the journal Science finds a mix of factors that have nothing to do with age or early stardom. It is, they suggest, a 24 of personality, persistence and pure luck, as well as intelligence, that leads to success — at any age.
“The bottom line is: Brother, never give up. When you give up, that’s when your 25 ends,” said Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, who with Roberta Sinatra led a team of researchers who conducted the analysis. Both were physicists at Northeastern University in Boston.
The research team began by 26 on career physicists. Sure enough, the physicists were more likely to produce hits earlier rather than later. But this had nothing to do with their age, the analysis found.
It was entirely because of productivity: 27 scientists tried more experiments, increasing the likelihood they would find something good. “It’s not the age that matters,” said Dr. Barabasi, who wrote the study with Dashun Wang, Pierre Deville and Chaoming Song, as well as Dr. Sinatra.
Yet there is another important element – Q.
Q could be translated as “skill,” and most likely includes a broad 28 of factors, such as I.Q., drive, motivation, openness to new ideas and an ability to work well with others.
“This Q factor is so interesting because it potentially includes abilities people have but may not recognize as central,” said Zach Hambrick, a professor of psychology at Michigan State University. “Clear writing, for instance. Take the field of mathematical psychology. You may publish an interesting finding, but if the published article is 29 , as so many are, you can’t have wide response because no one understands what you’re writing about.”
One important factor often does increase with age, in many endeavors: status, and with it the 30 to take risks, said Frank Sulloway, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley.
“Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was 57 when he first published on the subject of evolution in 1801, and he was 66 when he finally published his great book ‘Philosophie Zoologique’ in support of the theory of evolution,” Dr. Sulloway said in an email.