Вариант 1 для 10–11 классов

Task 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 points: 1 answer = 2 points)

Чтобы выполнить задание нужно авторизоваться и тогда появятся кнопки "Сохранить" и "Завершить задание".


For questions 1–10 complete the notes below filling in the gaps with ONE WORD.

You will listen to the text ONCE. You have 1 minute to look through the task.

Each correct answer gives you 2 points.

Current views

• More than one type of intelligence — these can be seen in our 1 .

• Howard Gardner – Frames of Mind (1983) identified seven types of intelligence:

i) linguistic (i.e. words and language)

ii) 2 (science and maths)

iii) musical

iv) kinaesthetic (i.e. the body and 3 )

v) visual (relating to images)

vi) interpersonal (conscious of the 4 of other people)

vii) intrapersonal (relating to self-awareness)

• Other intelligences have been suggested but are not generally included because they are too 5

Uses in education

• Adapt activities to suit the type of student you are. e.g.

► a kinaesthetic type learner will not learn well from a 6 – they would learn better from taking part in a 7 .

► visual learners could create their own 8 .

• Find out the type of learner you are by thinking about the way you prefer to do things, e.g. when teaching someone how to use a new piece of equipment

► a visual learner would prefer to use a 9 .

► a kinaesthetic learner would prefer to do a 10 .


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